Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Meeting John McCain

Tuesday, July 29th 2008 our girls got to meet and talk with John McCain and his campaign group for the upcoming 2008 elections. Wow! How incredible was that! Although they did not get to perform I know they were excited just to be there!

The girls were waiting for John McCain for a while!

Senator John McCain

The girls with John McCain's Campaign staff.

The girls with John McCain's campaign staff.

The girls with Senator John McCain and his wife.

What an opportunity for the girls! Such an amazing experience to meet a Senator of the United States that is in the running for our President! An experience to remember, that is for sure!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Welcome Home!

Welcome home from camp girls! You did awesome!
Congratulations to the Varsity Squad for all of their awards that they received! Including Best Game Day Team Varsity! Wow! What an accomplishment in such a short amount of time you guys have been practicing!
Congratulations to the JV team also! You guys did wonderful! Great job on getting Best Game Day Team JV! You girls are amazing! Keep up the great work!

Camp Fun!